Thessalia |
Ancient theatre in Larissa | |
Location: | Thessaly |
Major cities: | Larissa, Pherae |
Dialects: | Aeolic |
Key periods: | Pheraean Ascendancy |
Map of ancient Thessaly |
Ancient Thessaly or Thessalia (Greek: Αρχαία Θεσσαλία) was one of the traditional regions of Ancient Greece. During the Mycenaean period, Thessaly was known as Aeolia, a name which continued to be used for one of the major tribes of Greece, the Aeolians, and their dialect of Greek, (Aeolic).
Aperantia[1] (Ἀπεραντία) was a small region of Thessaly, south of Dolopia.
Thessaly was home to an extensive Neolithic culture around 5000–2500 BC (See Cardium Pottery, Dimini and Sesklo). Mycenaean settlements have also been discovered.
In mythology, Thessaly was homeland of the heroes Achilles and Jason, as well of mythological creatures and peoples, Centaurs, Lapiths , Phlegyans and Myrmidons. Ancient tribes in Thessaly mentioned by Homer or other poets were: Aeolians, Magnetes, Perrhaebi and Pelasgians.
The Thessalians were a Thesprotian tribe (according to Herodotus, vii. 176; Veil. Pat. i. 3), and originally came from the Thesprotian Ephyra. Under the guidance of leaders, who are said to have been descendants of Heracles, they invaded the western part of the country afterwards called Thessaly, and drove out or reduced to the condition of Penestae, or bondsmen, the ancient Aeolian inhabitants. The Thessalians afterwards spread over the other parts of the country, and took possession of the most fertile districts, and compelled the Peraebi, Magnetes, Achaean Phthiotians, and other neighbouring people to submit to their authority and to pay them tribute.[2] The population of Thessaly therefore consisted, like that of Laconica, of three distinct classes:
For some time after the conquest, Thessaly seems to have been governed by kings of the race of Heracleidae, who may however have been only the heads of the great aristocratic families, invested with the supreme power for a certain time. Under one of these princes, named Aleuas, the country was divided into four districts – Phthiotis, Plistiaeotis, Thessaliotis, and Pelasgiotis [4]: This division continued until the latest times of Thessalian history, and it may therefore be concluded that it was not merely a nominal one. Each district may have regulated its affairs by some kind of provincial council, but respecting the internal government of each we are almost entirely in the dark.[5]
When occasion required, a chief magistrate was elected under the name of Tagus, whose commands were obeyed by all the four districts. He is sometimes called king (basileus, Herod, v. 63), and sometimes archon (Dionys. v. 74.) He levied soldiers from the states in each district, and seems to have fixed the amount of tribute to be paid by the allies. (Xenoph. Hell. vi. 1. § 19.) When Jason of Pherae was tagus he had an army of more than 8000 cavalry and not less than 20,000 hoplites (Xenoph../. c.), and Jason himself says that when Thessaly is under a tagus, there is an army of 6000 cavalry and 10,000 hoplites.[6] The tribute Jason levied from the subject towns was the same as had been previously paid by one of the Scopadae family, whom Buttmann supposes to be the same Scopas as the one mentioned by Aelian ( V. H. xii. 1) as a contemporary of Cyrus the younger. When Thessaly was not united under the government of a tagus the subject towns possessed more independence. (Xenoph. Hell. vi. 1. § 9.) In later times some states called their ordinary magistrates tagoi (Bockh, Corp. Liscr. n. 1770), which may have been done however, as Hermann suggests, only out of affectation.
Thessaly however was hardly ever united under one government. The different cities administered their own affairs independent of one another, though the smaller towns seem to have frequently "been under the influence of the more important ones (Xenoph. Hell. vi. 1. § 8). In almost all the cities the form of government was aristocratical (dynastic rule rather than isonomy, according to Thucyd. iv. 78), and it was chiefly in the hands of a few great families, who were descended from the ancient kings. Thus Larissa was subject to the Aleuadae, whence Herodotus (vii. 6) calls them kings of Thessaly ; Cranon or Crannon to the Scopadae, and Pharsalus to the Creondae. (Compare Theocr. xvi. -34, &c.) These nobles had vast estates cultivated by the Penestae ; they were celebrated for their hospitality and lived in a princely manner (hospitable, magnificent, the thessalian way Xenoph. Hell. vi. 1. § 3), and they attracted to their courts many of the poets and artists of southern Greece. The Thessalian commonality did not however submit quietly to the exclusive rule of the nobles. Contests between the two classes seem to have arisen early, and the conjecture of Thirlwall (vol. i. p. 438), that the election of a tagus, like that of a Roman dictator , was sometimes used as an expedient for keeping the commonalty under, appears very probable. At Larissa the Aleuadae made some concessions to the popular party. Aristotle (Pol. v. 5) speaks, though we do not know at what time he refers to, of certain magistrates at Larissa, who bore the name of Politophylakes , who exercised a superintendence over the admission of freemen, and were elected themselves out of the body of the people whence they were led to court the people in a way unfavourable to the interests of the aristocracy. There were also other magistrates at Larissa of a democratical kind, called Larissopoioi. (Aristot. Pol. iii. 1.) Besides the contests between the oligarchical and democratical parties, there were feuds among the oligarchs themselves ; and such was the state of parties at Larissa under the government of the Aleuadae two generations before the Persian wars, that a magistrate was chosen by mutual consent, perhaps from the commonalty, to mediate between the parties (archon mesidios , Aristot. Pol. v. 5). At Pharsalus too at the close of the Peloponnesian war the state was torn asunder by intestine commotions, and for the sake of quiet and security the citizens entrusted the acropolis and the whole direction of the government to Polydamas of Pharsalus, who discharged his trust with the strictest integrity. (Xenoph. Hell. vi. 1. § 2, 3.)
In the summer of 480 BC , the Persians invaded Thessaly. The Greek army that guarded the Vale of Tempe , evacuated the road before the enemy arrived. Not much later, Thessaly surrendered. The Thessalian family of Aleuadae joined the Persians. (See Thorax of Larissa, Thargelia (hetaera))
The power of the aristocratical families however seems to have continued with little diminution till towards the close of the Peloponnesian war, when decided democratical movements first begin to appear. At this time the Aleuadae and the Scopadae had lost much of their ancient influence. Pherae and Pharsalus then became the two leading states in Thessaly. At Pherae a tyranny, probably arising from a democracy, was established by Lycophron, who opposed the great aristocratical families, and aimed at the dominion of all Thessaly. (Xenoph. Hell. ii. 3. § 4 ; ^Diod. xiv. 82.) The latter object was accomplished by Jason of Pherae, the successor and probably the son of Lycophron, who effected an alliance with Polydamas of Pharsalus, and caused himself to be elected tagus about in 374 BC. While he lived the whole of Thessaly was united as one political power, but after his murder in 370 BC his family was torn asunder by internecine discords and did not long maintain its dominion. The office of tagus became a tyranny under his successors, Polydorus, Polyphron, Alexander, Tisiphonus, and Lycophron ; till at length the old aristocratical families called in the assistance of Philip II of Macedon, who deprived Lycophron of his power in 353 BC, and restored the ancient government in the different towns. At Pherae he is said to have restored popular or at least republican government.(Diod. xvi. 38.) The Thessalian people elected Philip 'archon' tagus of the Thessalian League for life; for a few years later (344 BC) he placed at the head of the four divisions of the country, tetrarchies or tetradarchies, which he re-established, governors devoted to his interests and probably members of the ancient noble families. (Demosthen. Philip, ii. p. 71, iii. p. 117; Harpocrat. s. v.). The Thessalian cavalry became also part of the Macedonian army and many Thessalians took part in the campaign of Alexander the Great. At the close of the First Macedonian War, 197 BC, under Flamininus, it was declared free along with Orestis (region);[7] but ultimately it was incorporated in the Macedonia (Roman province) along with Epirus vetus.
This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities by William Smith (1870).